pretty good stuff. id throw that leady through a delay and reverb maybe turn down a lil cuz its over powering. like the rythm section and the bass line with it @ 20 secs
pretty good stuff. id throw that leady through a delay and reverb maybe turn down a lil cuz its over powering. like the rythm section and the bass line with it @ 20 secs
Thanks for leaving these reviews! :) But first I have some older projects to finish :)
i 5'd a bunch of your stuff. i think you have a lot of potential. a little more time and you could make some really good stuff. one thing i would suggest is tryin to making melodies with a lead synth. a lot of your dub only has base lines. i think if you added more leads they could definitely be better. keep it up dude you could definitely become somethin big
Thanks man I appreciate it, I've since learned a lot about music production since I've made this, thanks for the review.
dont take my rating into consideration cuz im not a fan of the psycadelic gengre. i will say the drum line in this is good tho. my only suggestion to these kind of tracks is more low end or bass.(i dunno if i just cant hear it with my head phones but i got pretty good ones). i ususally use a sin wave to make things more fuller. just stoppin by, dont take my rating to hard im just not into this kind of music. i rated it at the top for 5 tho for checkin my stuff out. see ya round
Thanks for the review, I try mixing as many different elements as I can in my music.
your kick needs to be mastered throw it through a compressor(multiband compressor mess with some settings if fl studio), your high hat @ :17 needs to be a lil reverbed and delayed for a more proffesional filled out sound same with the 16th note high hat. the snare too could use a smidge of delay/reverb. the sounds are a lil dry. we talked about at work. everything needs a lil reverb cuz you like using these sounds in a program but in real life there is reverb everwhere. i like the progression very chill and simple. id just say the percussion needs some tweeking to fill out some space with the reverb. id throw a really reverbed crash at 1:01 to kinda give the mellow part a stronger fill. @2:17 the synth kind of comes out of nowhere so could use a lil better build up and personally i found it annoying. to high and the melody/flow needs a lil work. all in all this track is solid just could use some tweaks to sound cooler
Thanks for the tips :)
everythings good on this tracck but you need to compress your kick cuz its distorted... unless thats the sound you are going for but i think this track would sound better without the distortion
Yea that kick has an issue with that. I'm still working on a way to make it stop doing that without hollowing out the melody.
i remember when you used to suck ha. funny seein ppl blow up on this site. lol i know you but you dont me.
Weirdest comment I ever received. Nice work.
congrats on gettin popular! wana send some of those fans my way ha
I don't think thats possible :P
Joined on 6/12/11